Below is 2 clips of what I have looked at of our sub genre in comparrison of representation and how they influenced us on making our own film. I chose the films that best represent our film by using age and gender as the main subject e.g. using young teenage characters to focus on the stereotypes to make the film feel more realistic.
Above are the trailors of Final Destination and the opening scene of Scream. Both are quite recent films although Scream is a little older so it may have a different perspective on the stereotypes used within the film. Both of the films are based on the minds of teenagers and how they react to the consequences. Scream has a girl for the victim and a male for the threat. The victim is a teenage girl much younger than the threat, who acts and sounds like a fully grown male due to the deep, husky voice. This makes the girl seem weak and vulnerable to what the threat is ordering and telling her what to do-this makes him strong and powerful and has control over her actions. This order of having the girl as the victim and the male as the threat is very popular in a range of horror films but has got to common and has a less exciting impact on the audience as they are able to guess what will happen next in the plot line. Whereas in Final Destination there are a range of victims of both genders, male and female, however most of the serious disasterous situations happen to the males, making them look like the stronger gender by having to deal with a more severe catastrophe.Although equality has become quite an important matter over the years Final Destination have proved that there are some inequalities in society and women are still seen as the weaker gender and are damsels in distress and that the males are still saving women from their problems even though the government are supposed to be stopping inequality and that men and women should be treated the same no matter what the situation may be.
2) Planning: How has your planning evidenced your understanding of social groups representation?
Above is the image of our test shot of the before and after shot. We wanted a teenage girl to be the victim as that would fit in with our films we looked at for our sub genre.The reason we wanted a teenage girl to be the victim rather than the threat is because they usually look like the vulnerable, weak gender as they are the ones that get scared more easily than males. We wanted a mixed race character in hoping to achieve that our film is for all ethnicities and not to make the genre towards a specific race, we wanted it to be a diverse kind of film. We chose a teenage girl to be our character in the horror film because we wanted the audience to see that teenagers arent how the society see's us, we wanted to use a different approach to teenagers to prove that all teenagers aren't how people stereotype them. By doing this, we wanted our character to be quite intelligent with a successful job of being a student writer/journalists which is why we have a type writer in our opening sequence and ink spillages on the logo and poster. To get this image across we have chose quite subtle make-up, so it doesn't stand out that she is out to impress people (like most teenagers), along with dark, natural hair that is styled down as most of the sub-genre films we looked at, the girls within those films had hair just like this. We chose dark smart/casual costume as we wanted her to look intelligent as well as dark and mysterious. The reason for our mise-en-scene location is because we wanted her to be working in a quiet atmosphere to make her feel closed in and lonely. By doing this, it shows that she is insecure and vulnerable to her surroundings, making her the subject to the threat.
When we wrote and drew our storyboard and script, we thought about conventions related to our sub genre 'physchological'. We looked at the expectations audiences looked for in the plot of the film and we discovered what type of character they preferred and how they create certain characters to suit the stereotype and the social group they belong in. By watching numerous horror genre's we decided we liked the pschological sub genre. After doing our research, we found that pyschological films didnt introduce their threat straight away, instead they recognised their threat through the use paranormal effects such as things moving on their own, strange noises etc...unlike other sub genres their threat is seen immediately which could make the rest of the film seem boring and predictable, because of this, we wanted our threat to be hidden to make the sequence more enjoyable to watch as the threats would be unexpected because the horror is all in your mind so it isnt visually there. The reason for our character is because after we researched other horror films they chose the middle class social group character to be the victim, so then we decided to follow that trend to try and make it fit in but by being different at the same time.
3) Construction and Feedback:
Above is our final finished film, I am going to compare our opening sequence of our film with the opening scene from Scream shown above at the top of the page. Both of the films are very similar when comparing to social groups and stereotypes. Our film and Scream both use girls in their late teens as the main subject to be the victim. This is where the audience will judge the character due to the media putting stereotypes on people e.g. girls are stereotyped to be weak and vulnerable and a damsel in distress by being insecure and afraid of practically everything, therefore this is a good example of why we have chosen our particular character as it fits the sub genre perfectly according to our research. The mise-en-scene is especially similar as Scream uses a decent sized house, well planned out house as the kitchen is very near the sitting area, just like our film. The size of the house and the rooms indicate that the house is quite modern and probably belongs to middle class citizens; this represents that no matter where you live and how secure you feel in your own home, there is always something that may happen to make you feel unsafe when you are left home alone as your mind runs wild towards the supernatural. The camera work is a major part of the films as they help you relate to the character, in this case it is all down to the camera angles and shots as they help you interract with the character although they are behind the screen. In our film we use alot of CU, MS and LS, this is so the character is able to see how they react to certain things and the emotion they are feeling e.g. CU help you see facial expression on the character, MS is so you are able to see body language and how she is reacting and LS to be able to see what she is wearing and the surrounding she is in so you are able to judge what kind of girl the character is. Scream has chosen to use a typical white, blonde american teenage girl actress as she is the stereotype of how you would usually judge a girl to be in a situation of what she is put in, the audience already know how she is going to react due to the social group she is in although she seems quite strong and tough when she first begins to speak to the stranger on the other end of the phone. That changes as she becomes more insecure about the situation, this is nearly the same with the actress in our film. The character in our film is a mixed race english teenage girl, this fits very well with our sub genre as we have carried out the teenage girl theme in our film, apart from our character isnt the 'stereotype' of english teenagers. Our character is a smart, pleasant, mixed race girl which isnt how people usually stereotype teenagers, she brings the positive, best side of the stereotype which contrasts against the negative judgement of them. The reason for having a mixed race character is to give our film a much more broader audience to make the film more equal towards the wide range of ethnicities in the country.
After showing our target audience our finished film we recieved some feedback. We found that we were able to achieve making a film that attracted both males and females of different enthicities. Our film created a relationship to audiences in the teens and young adults age range. Below shows a wordle of all the key points made in our finished film.
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