Friday, 16 March 2012

Audience Feedback


We showed our first shoot to a group of people from our chosen target audience and got feedback from them on what worked well and what to improve on further shoots. As our first shoot wasn't fully edited, some parts weren't in the correct order so this factor wasn't included in what to improve. However, we found the feedback really useful for planning our re-shoot. One of the main points we were given to improve was linking the typewriter into the story line more clearly as it wasn't obvious how it was involved. Most of our audience was interested in our plot and wanted to continue watching which was a very good sign! We showed it to a mixed gender audience and it was appealing to both. Most thought camera shots and angles were good - a good range of shot types and variety, however we could maybe use a canted angle or low angles to create confusion and power. They thought that we needed a few more interlinking shots to improve the continuity and some shots needed to be re-shot as some were unsteady and not quite focussed.

We have planned our res-hoot for next friday and are hoping to improve on all these points.

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