Thursday 1 December 2011

Textual Analysis of Psychological horror films

Textual Analysis -

 The Sixth Sense  (Catherine)

The Shining   (Emily)
Insidious  (Josh)

We watched some films from within our chosen sub-genre and focussed particularly on the opening since thats what we have to achieve ourselves. We analysed them in terms of camera work, lighting, sound, location, props, how they create fear and what typical genre conventions they include. From our findings we decided that having the characters in an enclosed space e.g. house or hotel room, allows the story to become more unsettling in a short space of time which we want in our opening - we want to draw the audience in and make them interested in the story and characters and share the character's fear. The use of mental insecurities as a basis for the fear in these films seemed really important within this subgenre of horror also.

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