Friday 14 October 2011

Composition Exercise.

We shot a short clip focussing on the composition of our 6 shots using the rule of thirds and the 180 and 30 degree rules.  After editing our footage we watched it back and thought that the close up shot of Josh's face set an eery effect on the clip. We used the rule of thirds to focus the viewers attention to particular points of the shot. However we found it quite hard to follow the 30 degree rule sometimes, as the location didnt have a lot of room to film in. We thought the final edited footage ran quite smoothly, however some of the transitions could have been smoother. There was the odd occasion where it seemed to jump but that was only visible to a more critical eye. Our shots were well framed, bar the odd occasion where there was a lack of head room, but again, that was not a major problem to our footage
Editing was hard, mainly because we did not have enough shots to fall back on in case there was an error we had missed whilst recording. Acting was not recognized as a weak point, solely because the focus was not on the actors, but on the editing and camera skills.

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