Friday, 30 September 2011

First Filming Exercise.

Today we were set the task of filming a short sequence and editing our shots. We tried to include a range of shot types and angles including mid shots, high and low angles, close ups, over shoulder shots and p.o.v shots. We also had to alter the camera settings so the exposure, focus and white balance were all ready to film. When it came to editing we noticed some slight reflections in the background of shots, including the camera and crew. We also didn't recheck the white balance when we moved to a new location so therefore there is a slight noticeable change in the lighting and colour of the shots. When editing we tried to cut the shots so that it told a story and made you wonder where the main character was heading, why he was looking at the time etc. However we found that when we shot the close up of the phone we didnt move further than a 30 degree angle so when its viewed next to the other shots it looks repeated and slows down the story. If we were to reshoot and edit it we would move to a more exciting location that could help make it more interesting and atmospheric. We would also add more video effects to make the audience more interested. However, we think for our first filming experience the quality of our film is good, but could be improved with further practice.

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